Scientific name: Prunus persica
Dormancy: -
Flowering time: -
Harvest time: -
Harvesting methods: By hand, mechanically
Full age: about 2 to 4 years
Productive age: about 15 to 20 years
Yield per hectare: ~ 16,848kg
Pollination Requirements: Most are self-sterile, so cross-pollination is required
Refrigeration requirements: 50 to 1,500 hours below 7 ° C, depending on the species
Recommended spacing: 4m x 4m, 4m x 2m or 3.5m x1m
Top peach cultivars in South Africa
Keisie (25%)
Sandvliet (15%)
Cascade (15%)
Kakamas (10%)
Supreme (6%)
Oom Sarel (5%)
Western Sun (5%)
Autumn Crunch (3%)
Fantasy (3%)
Golden Pride (3%)
Professor Neethling (2%)
Prof Malherbe (1%)
The flowers of almost all peach cultivars are self-sterile. Flowers are pollinated by honeybees and a minimum of 6 hives are recommended for successful fruit set. Trees bloom for 2 to 4 weeks depending on the climatic conditions and the stigma is only susceptible to pollination for a period of 6 days, so it is essential to time the arrival of your bees carefully.