Scientific name: Malus Domestica
Bearing habits: Some varieties are biennial
Flowering time: October
Harvest time: February-March
Harvesting methods: By Hand
Full age: 4 to 10 years
Productive age: 15 to 20 years
Yield per Ha: 60 to 120 tons
Price per Kg: ~ R8 -R12
Establishment costs: ~ R500 000 to R750 000 / ha
Pollination Requirements: 1 to 3 pollinators recommended
Chill requirements: 500 to 1000 hours below 7 ° C
Recommended spacing: 6mx6m or 3mx3m for high density.
Recommended form: Modified Leader, Bush, Stepover, Cordon.
Top 3 cultivars in South Africa:
Golden Delicious (21%)
Royal Gala (17%)
Granny Smith (13%)
The Western Cape has been growing apples for more than 80 years. Trees are often planted at a density of
1 536 trees / ha. Pollination in apples is essential, and hives should be placed in the orchard at 30% flowering. Pollen tube growth and thus ovulatory fertilization can only take place at 18-27 ° C.