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Scientific name: Prunus persica var. nucipersica
Dormancy: -
Flowering time: -
Harvest time: -
Harvesting methods: By hand
Full age: about 2 to 4 years
Productive age: about 12 years
Yield per hectare: 10 to 35 tons
Pollination Requirements: Most are self-sterile, so cross-pollination is required
Refrigeration requirements: approximately 200 to 1,000 hours below 7 ° C
Recommended spacing: spacing trees 2.5 m to 3.6 m apart
Water requirements: 10 192 cubic meters / year
Top 3 nectarine cultivars in South Africa:
Augustus Red
Nectarines are climacteric (they continue ripening once picked) and are usually picked before they are fully ripe to allow for easier transport.
Our cultivars
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