Scientific name: Vitis Vinifera
Dormancy: -
Flowering time: -
Harvest time: -
Harvesting methods: By hand, machinery
Full age: about 3 years
Productive age: 15-20 years, after which smaller crops with more intense aroma (for wine) are produced.
Yield per hectare: 6 to 40 tons (for wine grapes- higher yield = lower quality wines normally) or 20 to 50 tons for table grapes.
Pollination Requirements: Most are self-fertile, but cross-pollination increases yields
Refrigeration requirements: approximately 150 hours below 7 ° C
Recommended spacing: 1m to 4m in row spacing, with a row spacing equal to or greater than the planned height of the canopy.
Top wine cultivars South Africa:
Chenin Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Top Table Grape Cultivars South Africa:
Crimson Seedless
Prime Seedless
Thompson Seedless
Tawny Seedless
Flame pitless
Midnight beauty
Superior (Sugraone) Seedless
Sweet Globe
Grapes require different pruning methods depending on the use of the fruit. Wine grapes are pruned more vigorously as it will yield lower yields but with more intense flavors. For both table and wine grapes, the fruit develops on annual reeds, so it is important to prune carefully and leave some of this year's growth for next year as well as last year's growth for this year's crop.