Scientific name: Prunus armeniaca
Bearing habits: Biennial
Dormancy: June-July
Flowering time: -
Harvest time: November - March
Harvesting methods: Hand
Full age: 3 to 4 years
Productive age: 10 to 30 years
Yield per tree: 20 to 40 kg
Price per Kg: ~ R6 to R14,57
Pollination Requirements: Self-fertile, but cross-pollination increases yields
Chill requirements: 300 to 1000 hours below 7 ° C
Recommended spacing: 5mx4m or 6mx4m
Recommended form: Modified leader, vase.
Top cultivars in South Africa:
Bulida (47%)
Soldonne ( 13%)
Bebeco (13%)
Palsteyn (9%)
Charisma (5%)
Super gold (3%)
Royal (2%)
Apricots arrived in South Africa in the 17th century and were planted almost exclusively in the Western Cape. They are highly susceptible to waterlogged soils and should be planted in well-drained loam soil. A minimum soil depth of 1.5m is recommended.